Chorlton 0161 881 6868
Sale - Cat Only Practice 0161 962 8236

Welcome to Ashleigh Veterinary Centre.

We are a friendly practice with a personal touch!

Here at Ashleigh we appreciate that your pet is a family member, and as such we try to provide you with the same level of care as we would provide for our own family. All the members of the team have their own pets and as such understand the fears and concerns you have when one of your pets are ill.

We strive to prevent illness by providing a service that aims to prevent sickness in the first place, keeping your pet as disease free as possible throughout life. Should your pet fall ill we are here to guide you through the difficulty of understanding what is wrong and what means we have available to help your pet.

Our ethos is Veritas et Fidelitas which translates to Truth and Fidelity.

With all new pets it is useful to provide us with the following:

  • If you have a previous record of your pet’s vaccinations it would be useful to bring them with you.
  • If  your pet was registered at another practice, bringing their address and phone details will enable us to request details of former treatments, investigations, and results.

Meet the Team

Aidan Raftery - Clinical Director

Aidan Raftery

Aidan Raftery MVB CertZooMed MRCVS Clinical Director
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Matt Saunby - Clinical Director

Matt Saunby

Matt Saunby BVSc MRCVS Clinical Director
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Faye Eldrett - Clinical Director

Faye Eldrett

Faye Eldrett BVSc MRCVS Clinical Director
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